This is writing from after I stopped using. But that doesn't mean that the content got any less spooky. They're hard to read sometimes and can grossly romanticize or deeply account drug use. Be warned.
Dope Don't Exist No More
Dope don't exist no more
I never forget the keys to my door
no telltale heart beneath my floor.
I don't really recognize this
Quiet friday nights and regular piss
I've been doing it longer than not
but it's like my body longs for the cot.
Morissey said 'who controls who'
and look I think it's like two
separate guys
when you get old, one dies.
Doctor calls it self sabotage
but I think it's camoflage
cause if I keep movin
no one can really see me.
Even those who I know love me.
I just can't sit still
when I do I get this chill
of white fences and boring expenses.
I wish i could be a woman ![]()
I wish I could be a woman
I really really do
sometimes I cry to sleep at night
wondering with all my might
If maybe I'm wrong.
I like all the women's songs
I like to feel pretty in a thong.
So why can't I be a woman.
Please just let me be a woman.
It's what everyone wants of me
I wonder, when they look at me, what do they see
Do they see a woman?
But I can't.
Why can't I see what they see?
Why do I have to be...
People ask me why I can't just be a woman
And I can't answer them because I don't know
It doesn't feel right
And it doesn't seem like
I'll ever know why.
I wasn't meant to be a woman.
And sometimes I earnestly want to die.
How do I know? ![]()
How do I know what's my fault?
Folks opened my head and scrambled it
Told me I couldn't handle it
Told me sugar was salt
And I ate that sweet dinner
Told me summer was winter
So I made snow cream from dry sand
Brain in the palm of the world's hand.
I don't trust myself to know anything
I waited for something you wouldn't bring
And when you never showed
And when it never snowed
I started to wonder about reality
As I stirred sodium into my morning tea.
You could tell my the sky's green
And I'd smile and say 'what do you mean?'
But file it away as fact.
Because you told me the sky's green
And I don't know what anything means
Because everyone stole my brain from me.
You all tell me what I know, what I don't
And you won, and I hope
That you tell me sweet truths,
Because all I know, I know from you.
Boost buy do, boost buy do
My actions are not my own
But I bought them on the phone.
A cordyceps of euphoria
Convinced there's nothing better for ya
Boost buy do, boost buy do
These objects aren't my own
But I don't have a home
And I don't respect property
So what the fuck is stopping me.
Boost buy do, boost buy do
And they say wishes don't come true.
Met me when I was you.
Now my veins ache and my brain shakes
Because it was kept steady
By that shit that wed me
And made my actions not my own
And made me not have a home
But I don't respect property
So the stealing of my dead body
Is of no consequence to me.
Malin Goetz Cannabis
When I was using I wore Malin Goetz Cannabis
I dubiously sourced it from a fancy drug store.
They followed me round as I walked in the door.
I wore Malin Goetz Cannabis on some of the worst days of my life.
The heatwave in 2018, stuffy and stuck.
We couldn't move, couldn't fuck.
We were sick, had run out of stuff.
But I smelled like expensive spice and greenery,
While I shit myself in Duane Reade.
I wore Malin Goetz Cannabis when I shot up the first time.
Someone else's brown leather belt hugging my arm,
1980s toilet cover for charm,
What could be the harm,
Blood shoots up like red yarn.
But I smelled like rich weed and cinnamon
When I gave myself a needle addiction
I miss indiana
I miss indiana
Everyone was sad and dead.
A stagnation sits over southern indiana
A cloud of frozen goo covers my friends
They haven't changed, not much anyway
Stuck in southern indiana
I envy them - forever young in many ways,
American gothic vampires.
Still hanging on words from summer '16
Me too but in a distant way.
I chose life as they say
Renton would be disappointed.
I'll never become anointed
By the tars of the wabash valley
I was always a visitor, my heart fat.
But my spirit is close and bright to Sandborn
And I know it'll call to me like a home calls to
When it's dark, and I'm scared.
Sometimes it sits inside me
Like rocks and ropes of hair
A bezoar of poppy seeds and like idk despair
Other times it melts
Like grayscale cotton candy
And turns to swirling glitter glue
Beautiful as it can be
Usually it comforts me
Adds a couple pounds
But sometimes I can't stand
Its dry and sandy sounds
I wish it could be goopy
Viscous and without form
I wish it melted with me
Oozing and reborn
Poser ![]()
Recently I can't write.
I rest my fingers on the keys
And try to remember my stuff, my stories
But it's small fires and tumblogs from 2014
Bunk weed and unused razor blades
Shiny plastic forks and paper plates
Note true, unchewed, fake skin on-glued
I dunno these people, but I see their insides
I see them, cause I used to be them, rich and blue
But people wanted different hues
And I did too
But now folks like blue
Or think they do
But I came thru
And got true
But now folks like blue.
I don't take very lightly
To shaving and to hair.
I don't know where this came from
But really I don't care.
I saw some folks a talking
About periods, about blood.
They said "when I don't shave down there,
oh you better run."
Now my blood, it got to boiling
As it usually does.
Cause I remembered my own hair
And felt betrayed because
When I bleed onto my hazy bush
It glistens and it shines
With deepest red of pigments
And it creates these little lines,
Tree branches and new veins with crooks,
Like brush strokes on my thighs.
Reminds me of a carnivore
Face dripping and dark red.
I like to think my pussy
Is a ravenous cave of dread.
I used to call teachers mom ![]()
I used to call teachers mom
Most of my teachers were women
As they often are
And many took a liking to me
And my introspective jar
Of pretty words and interest
Of curiosity and with this
Liking I hung
Suspended in maternal goo
No matter how slight or untrue
If I collected only a few drops
I'd put it in a machine
Until it was a lot
I used to call my teachers mom
Because mine was twisted
Gnarled and new
And mostly I couldn't feel her
And she didn't seem true
She sounded different on the phone
She didn't smell like home
So I used to call my teachers mom
In hopes that I'd wake up
And mine would be gone
Untitled ![]()
Often it's falling
Fast and then slow
Acutely aware
Of where it's MEANT to go
But it weighs like 2 ounces
So the wind flips it and flounces
And not just the wind
Other forces too
Strange ones,
Some green, some blue.
They come from the ether
Somewhere brand new.
But they burn their edges
And tea stain their skin
And everyone believes
They're old
and inherent within.
The forces are good
At lying that is
They take and take
But convince they give
So it falls and bounces
And it skids along
Until one day
It's carried away by a song.
Grey Phillip
I used to be free
Free of pain and concern
Free of confusion and in turn
I uprooted all my life
To live for and serve my wife
We did all things in step
I loved her and I kept
My meat and goo
inside her plastic chest.
A cylinder of gore
Even smaller than before
Is the space between the bubble
And my rotten sores
I used to be free
Running alongside trains
Laughing in the rain
But all the while inside
Her plastic fleshy divide
The walls were clear
I thought I was freer
Within the confines
Of the barrel of her metal lines
She wasn't malicious
Just wanted me to live delicious
Grey Phillip promised to grant wishes
And she did
But they expire
Sometimes there is no going higher