What do the links mean?
Using Works will take you to journal entries, poems, and essays I did while using.
Clean Works will take you to poems and essays I did while clean.
Digital Art will take you to my collages, edits, and digital drawings.
IRL will take you to scans of journal entries and analogue art.
Content Warning I guess
I feel like this goes without saying, but here's a content warning for all my art. I don't censor what I write or create about. Especially in relation to assault, violence, and drug use.
Work With Me
I provide professional graphic design, editing, and webdesign services under my professional name. But I also welcome informal artistic collaboration!
For more information, including my portfolio or samples, contact me at the contact info below.
Contact Me
I'm a recovering addict with 6 years clean as of December 2025. I spent much of my teen years polyaddicted and living on my own. In addition to just being my own digital transcription of my poetry and diary entries, I hope to make this website something other addicts can find solace in. I'm always looking for new ways to normalize addiction and make junkies feel more comfortable coming forward with their experiences. I expect this site will be a WIP for a long time, as I'm always writing new clean works and the "using" works take a lot of emotional energy to transcribe. In the future, I'll also be uploading scans of journal entries, drawings, and paintings on an "IRL" subsection. So stick around, shoot me an email, and accept the things you cannot change!